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The Denpa Men: They Came by Wave

The Denpa Men: They Came by Wave ("denpa" in Japanese, "electric waves") is a 3D game you can download from the eShop on the 3DS.

The story:
Denpa men "live" in electronic waves around us. With your wireless turned on - you don't have to be connected to the Internet - you can catch Denpa men by aiming at any floating on your augmented reality screen. You'll find different Denpa around you depending on the electronic waves around you.

Denpa you catch live in a house, ready to venture into dungeons and have adventures. Ethics of catching guys and forcing them to fight for your pleasure aside, I've found this to be a nice casual game. It encourages me to go out more often to find Denpa guys everywhere and is a nice pastime for longer commutes or waiting in lines.

The catch: 
Any Denpa you catch can be shared with others. If you found a really awesome / cute Denpa you'd like to share, you can put it's QR code online, and anyone scanning the code will be able to download a copy of the Denpa. As such, there are communities floating around with people sharing everything from QR codes for all sorts of special abilities to 'hacking' QR codes (basically changing the bits around manually).

I personally want to try catching more on my own first, since I think that's a big highlight of the game.

Anyway, for those interested, here's a forum with a list of every Antenna type in the game (don't worry about this if you haven't already started to game yet!)


Sly 2: Band of Thieves Vault Locations & Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

A friend introduced me to this game these past two weeks and I've been watching them play. I really like the storyline, art style and overall game design. It requires some skill to play, has excellent character development for such a kid-friendly game, and has all sorts of missions.

Vault locations for the second Sly Cooper game on PS2 (or PS3). Openable after all clue bottles have been collectioned on each level.

Level 1
Dimitri - In the Dimitri's office where the golden picture was replaced with the Sly golden picture, through the window.

Level 2
Rajan - Near where the code was written under the table and the area with red lasers.

Level 3
Rajan - In Rajan's office where you placed the Egyptian Water bug to bug his office.

Level 4
The Contessa - Near the bridge where you posed as a statue there is a building, not the Contessa's house. When you find it click L3 and a blue safe beam should pop up. You must crawl under to get to the safe.

Level 5
The Contessa / Constable Neela - In one of the crypts that you traveled through with Bentley. You can also go from Neela's side: go down by the water and go under where the Sly stole keys to get the voice modulator.

Level 6
Jean Bison- In one of his 3 cabins: the one where you stole the first blueprint out of the prized trophy fish.

Level 7
Jean Bison / Arpegegio - Inside the building where Sly had to point the laser outside of the window to unfreeze the log chopping book and the wooly mammoth.

Level 8
Arpegegio / Neela / Clockla- Inside one to the buildings that Muarry and Sly had to get rid of the oil.

Pressing L3 also causes a beacon with the blue safe to pop up, the same way it highlights your missions.

For those interested, someone uploaded a Sly Cooper comic (looks official) onto a Gaia forum. You may need to page past a few comments to see them all, but I thought it was a tastefully juicy read. :3

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

This is also a great source for Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time mask, treasure, clue bottle and safe locations. It includes maps, screenshots and reasonably detailed instructions on how to get each of these.


Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar - Girl Heart Events Schedule

Stalker snowmen everywhere.

I've made a spreadsheet for HM - Grand Bazaar. It includes:

a) Weekly heart event calendar - See what days and times you should visit which locations, keep track of your heart events with each candidate (cross out each event as you encounter them)!
b) Searchable recipes list - Search which fish you can cook, what recipes use strawberries, etc! If you do not see a complete list here, filters may have been applied - check this post to learn how to use filters to narrow down your search. :)
c) Crop tracker - Keep track of when you can expect to harvest your crop with a pre-made table.

CSV file text if you wish to import the data yourself.


Pocket Clothier Cheats, Tips, Tricks

Extended Idea Room Research Time

Strategy A)

Have only one register at the top floor (or whichever floor is least convenient for your poor shoppers). This will result in less "style" points for each shopper because most will have to wait longer to be checked out, but it will greatly increase the amount of time your employees work overtime.

(This is so conceptually evil TT.)

Unlike Cafeteria Nipponica, where customers automatically leave at the close of business, time in Pocket Clothier will freeze at 22:00 until the last customer leaves.

Strategy B)

Have two registers in your store. At 22:00, when there are still customers in your store about to check out, delete one of the registers after one of the customers holding a green basket enters the elevator.

When the customer(s) exits the elevator, they will keep walking in place in front of the elevator for a long long time. This allows your employees to keep researching well past when the last customer should have left.

Strategy B is best used when there are almost no customers left to check out, since I don't think those customers ever get checked out. 

(Don't do this if you work retail in real life please! D: )

Drastically Increase Revenue

After unlocking the Large Register, place the register and two employees with speed over 900 (not 9000) on a sparsely furnished floor to ensure the two employees will be the only two to constantly work the register (as to spending more of their time restocking etc).

After some time, you will get a notice saying customers really like the employees working behind the large cash register and are paying much more! You should then see customers paying, surprise, many times (not sure how to verify an exact increase) for their purchases.

Keep Employee Salaries Low

Early on, when an employee asks for a raise, you can turn that offer down at the cost of a loyalty point. You can earn that loyalty back using A) a loyalty manual you get from the Idea Room or B) agreeing to a raise later when the employee asks for a raise.

This means if you're at 10/10 hearts, you can reject a raise, lose a heart, and earn it back later. If you agree to the raise, you won't gain over 10 hearts anyway.

(This is such a terrible guide for real life managers-to-be. :sniffle: )


In my opinion, the purchase of an elevator, if you don't care for using strategy B above, actually slows customers down, rather than make it faster. I've seen crowds stand in front of elevators for game-hours while the elevator ferries people to and from other floors.

More to come as I discover...

Other Tips

I'm not going to reinvent the wheel -- namely, I'm not going to write a guide for this when others have already done so, so I am going to redirect this section to Happy Enna's blog.

Sneak preview of Happy Enna's pocket clothier posts!

"Those are all the useful links related to Pocket Clothier on Happy Enna's blog.
Compatibility Guide - A spreadsheet and an image to help you match the clothes

Fixtures - Some fixtures unlock special items, some give good boost.
Shelves and Racks - The requirement and best position for shelves and racks.

Job List - You get some bonus if a matching outfit is recommended to your customer for their job interview.
Carry Over - Always good to know what gets carried over to your next playthrough so you can plan ahead.

Trophy List - Have you got all of them?
12 Month Sales Record - It's easy to make a profit but it requires a bit of planning to increase your profit every month for a year.

How to Earn Heaps - If you have trouble keeping up with the tax, then you want to read this. It's not about avoiding tax. It tells you the tricks to make lots of money easily.  :)

Enna's Thoughts - Auto Stock is Not Perfect - I just had to complain a bit when I had trouble dealing with tax. But, it's true, it doesn't make sense.  :p"  - Enna


Creation and Sales of 3D Game Boards

On the topic of legality of creating 3d printed Settlers of Catan pieces.

A perhaps more important thing to consider is to ask — as you would with music, movies, anything — 
if you like something, would you support its creator(s) for what they have created? Especially if it’s not necessary for day-to-day life.

Those who would go so far as to acquire or create 3d pieces will most likely have played the game first (presumably on a non-3d set). While not necessarily true, creating a 3d set additionally generates publicity and attention for this board game.

If we’re looking at copyright from a monetary point of view (from company ‘losses’ from additional ‘copies’ of games being sold outside their jurisdiction), 3d printing is the equivalent of open source game code. Players are improving a game experience and facilitating its popularity – it would be suicide to stifle your consumers’ passion for your product.

Alternative solution: if the demand is great enough that it would be a problem, the company officially produces competitive quality 3d pieces and gets a slice of the pie.

G-Squier's laser cut Settlers of Catan set.


Harvest Moon: A New Beginning

Having been tracked from Cali to east coast, My Harvest Moon: A New Beginning 15th Anniversary edition game finally arrived yesterday!  Natsume announced a soft release, so they began shipping games out Oct 19th, instead of sometime Nov.

I like some of the changes they did make. Namely, picking up items automatically bags them, and (though I'm not able to yet), being able to change the placement of everything on your farm and customize your person's appearance, clothing aside. The giant crops are fun to grow, and you can get animals early again in the game.

Perhaps I'm spoiled by World of Warcraft level customer service and developer response (admit it - it's pretty top of the line stellar compared to any other developer-customer relationship out there of that scale).

In short, the tutorial / intros are sooo slow! I'd much rather explore on my own than spend 30 minutes being lead around (that wouldn't be so bad if the scenes shifted more quickly / people walked faster!). I also sort of don't like how streamlined the paths are. In Tree of Tranquility, you could walk on the grass on the other side of the fence and grab mushies and stuff, but here, you're only allowed on the path you're given, even if you're so sure your guy can definitely fit between that tree and rock. ~_~ Just a little frustrating. The 3D also seems to drain power rather quickly, so I play my 3DS docked.

Anyway, my greatest satisfaction comes from the plushie cow.

Enjoying new toys.

Although I realize I'm too impatient to play HM straight up, I love it anyway, and make do with what tools I have.

Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Cities - Action Replay Item Code

Haven't used these for my game yet, but item hex codes for Harvest Moon Tale of Two Cities.

Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar - Action Replay Item Code

Was searching for the items list forever. Item hex for HM Grand Bazaar. This is for the mod code below. THIS WILL REPLACE THE ITEM IN THE FIRST SLOT, so make sure it's not valuable.

Inventory Slot 1 Mod Code

94000130 FFFB0000
1215B180 00000XXX <-- Item Value
2215B18A 000000XX <-- Amount (For the max of 99 items, hex code is 63.)
D2000000 00000000

Here's one I modified myself - this gives you 66 of the first item in your bag. Edit the hex '42' to adjust the number of items (if you just want fewer items).

94000130 FFFB0000
2215B18A 00000042
D2000000 00000000

For both, press Select to activate the effect.

Action Replay Item Numbers:


Adventure Bar Story Recipes List

Adventure Bar Story Recipes List

Just started playing this game. Seems okay. Still prefer Kairosoft games and certain other mmorpgs that I may have gotten back into... TT But taking a peek after my curiosity was piqued via Happy Enna's blog.

Credit to Fade to Slack for compiling this list. I simply put it into a searchable spreadsheet for my, and other players', own use.


Cafeteria Nipponica Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Recipes

Using Filters

Using filters can help you easily find the highest-stat-yielding ingredient/combos to help you max out dishes most efficiently. Using filters also easily allows you to sort by recipes based on dish, ingredients used, price and stats -- all on one page! You can use filters on this spreadsheet.

How to use filters: To sort by highest price or highest total stat,
select the dropdown arrow under the category and "Sort Z --> A"
How to use filters: To see dishes created only from Curry n' Rice,
"Clear" the selections and check Curry n' Rice, or sort alphabetically.

"Instantly" Max out Floor Employee Job

Change the target's job to a level 5 Chef of any kind and wait for two or three months to pass. Then, change the target's job to Performer. Within the next month, the target will rapidly max out the Performer job.

To make the most of this, switch the person's profession back to the same level 5 Chef position, and repeat to achieve your target job (for instance, Popular Staff or Kairo Staff).

Example of optimal employee rotation:

Rookie Chef Lv5
Trainee (Instant Lv5)
Chinese Chef Lv5
Manager (Instant Lv5)
Japanese Chef Lv5
Service Master (Instant Lv5)
Western Chef Lv5
Performer (Instant Lv5)
Expert Chef Lv5
Recipe Master, Popular Staff, Roller Skater, Musician or Ninja (Instant Lv5)
5-Star Chef Lv5
Recipe Master, Popular Staff, Roller Skater, Musician or Ninja (Instant Lv5)
5-Star Chef Lv5
Possibly ~ Kairo Staff Lv5

If you want to keep your costs down, and don't care to promote the employee past Performer, simply alternate only between your level 5 Rookie Chef and the Floor job.

This works because kitchen employees level up a lot more quickly than Floor employees.

Perfect or Near-Perfect Dishes

First, to understand how ingredients affect dishes, read Happy Enna's well-written post. In a nutshell, dish quality are determined two ways.

1) Price, Taste, Appeal  -- Depending on the dish, these usually have a cap, meaning some dishes cannot be better than grade A, B, C .. etc.

2) Health, Brain (Brilliance), Texture, Aroma, Appearance, Volume, Rarity, Charisma -- Increasing these generally increases Taste and Appeal EXCEPT when the ingredients used are incompatible with the dish.

A good way to max all stats is to go to this Ingredient Effects page where I've summed the totals, and use ingredients with the greatest total stat gain to boost up the lowest stats. Be sure not to leave Aroma and Appearance for last, as these are the most difficult to raise! When everything is mostly in or around the 90s, use Aged Cheese to top off the dish.

Starting the Second Game with High Income

Since dish stats and prices carry over, near mid to end-game, it may be a good idea to level up one of the starting dishes in prep for the next game -- if you think you might play a second game.

Price of Dishes
65 Chicken Bowl
65 Karaage
62 Veggie Stir Fry
55 Fried Rice
55 Shumai
52 Omelette
42 Spaghetti
35 Seafood Soup
35 Udon
30 Salad
25 Rice

All dishes and their max price/scores can be found on this page highlighted in blue. Leveling a starting dish up to high price ensures that you can quickly start a new game with a lot of money coming in, provided you select the theme with the dish you leveled up.

Lower Stocking Costs Each Month

If you're going for a high score or just love making money, serve just one high-quality, high-priced dish, the monthly stocking cost of the dish is usually negligible so long as you're making more money per serving than the dish with a lower stocking cost. Customers do not care if you serve just one dish and will buy just as much food.


Kairosoft has not offered official "cheats", but I'm not sure these were intended to work the way they do - so tricks or cheats, whatever you want to call them.

If you don't mind registering for yet another website, a good beginner's guide is this one by Arcfox.
If you do mind registering, visit Enna's blog for more regarding Cafeteria Nipponica.

Questions? Other tips / tricks? Let me know!


Hot Springs Story Layouts: Improved Based on Popular Layouts


Began: 2 years ago
Love: Pixel art style, attention to detail, content, control, world.
Comment: The company's games truly follow guidelines set up in its first game Game Dev Story!

About this Build

This layout is intended for the first playthrough in which Large Baths are available before the game ends, and sets us up for the future games. At the end of the game, your two Large Baths will:

1) Have the most effects it can carry over to the next game - see below.
2) Have some of the difficult-to-obtain effects - ones that require a large amount of space.
3) Emphasize Large Male Bath quality because:
        a) Chimpan Z and Kairobot, the hard-to-satisfy characters, are male.
        b) Female baths are easier to upgrade in each game, with less space requirements for more effects and Milk for extra Spa each game.
4) Maximize surrounding room bonuses with spread-out shops/facilities
5) Minimize spa-goer walking time to shops/facilities/baths.

Effects to be carried over at the end of the game:

Large Male Bath (+6)
+1 Senior (Jacuzzi; 2 stone, 1 vending )
+2 Youth (In-Crowd; 4 souv, 4 azalea )
+1 Adult, Senior (Forever Young; 2 fortune, 2 plum, 1 pond )
+2 Male (Springerade; 4 cafe, 4 vending, 2 bamboo )

Large Female Bath (+8)
+2 Senior (Jacuzzi; 4 stone, 2 vending )
+2 Women (Silky Smooth; 2 salon, 2 azalea, 2 stone, includes + milk )
+2 Groups (Fast Friends; 4 karaoke, 2 pingpong )
+1 Youth (In-Crowd; 2 souv, 2 azalea )
+1 Adult, Senior (Forever Young; 2 fortune, 2 plum, 1 pond  )

Fame Pill adds 3 additional effects, depending on which bath you use it on (not included above).

These screenshots aren't completely accurate / final products. There needs to be an extra Karaoke room, and some other things. See the diagram below for a more accurate diagram.

Most Updated Diagram - Fixed some errors. 5/1/2013

* Four souvenir stands in a row. If you want people to access the two in the middle, read Shops and Facilities below. Maintenance isn't high for two inaccessible stands, and you can make much more use of an entire row of path space to make money back. If this bothers you like it initially bothered me, just think of it as a very large souvenir store. ; )

** Flexible - Start the road right outside the cafe and souv. stands or boost their satisfaction by adding scenery. Since the rooms are directly opposite the path above, I emphasized quality of visit over quantity of visits here.

! Move scenery around any of the free spaces on respective sides of the two rows between the baths.

*** Ping pong rooms stick out like the souvenir stands stick out.

**** Optionally add inaccessible facilities in the free spaces to boost effects before the end of the game.

Where most layouts position similar facilities and stores right next to each other, I position mine apart from each other to allow spa-goers to walk the shortest path to their desired destination. 

I chose this slightly awkward build so that I wouldn't have to worry about squeezing 6 souvenir stands and 4 ping pong tables into my builds in later games. With some luck, the Fame Seed would make it easier for me to max my facilities (to be honest, I may not get around to future games, but I like to be prepared ^^ ).

Entrances and Rooms

I made a impromptu layout to demonstrate the logic behind my placements. For the second diagram at the bottom, grey arrows show people checking into their rooms. Teal arrows show them walking to facilities. This layout minimizes the time it takes for people to walk to their rooms and then to facilities. This usually generally allows late-comers to visit at least one facility before going to bed, increasing the rate of satisfaction and income by a lot over the course of the entire game.
Chimpan Z and KairobotI personally opt for quality over quantity. I tweaked the townhouse-style rooms many popular layouts use - the top right western room was where both Chimpan Z and Kairobot stayed. I boosted the Large Men's bath and surrounding facilities with a bit of popularity seeds and I was able to pass. 

At the start of the game, I carefully counted out the location of where I'll be placing my baths, so that I wouldn't have to waste money later rebuilding everything. The receptionist has only been shifted back a tile or two after I unlocked it to make room for the Men's cafes. 
The placement of scenery helps direct where people stay. If you want people to prioritize areas near baths for easier access, place your best scenery items near rooms there. This ensures that people won't leave rooms there empty and opt for an obscure corner room (as with the bamboo and rock above).
Green knobs show bath entrances. Spa-goers don't have to walk far between shop/facility visits, allowing for them to visit more places before going to bed (or going broke... I always feel bad when old couples go broke. Hope social security works in their world TT ).

Other Shops and Facilities

I began to build the Large Baths area after I purchased all the land deeds, made enough money, and unlocked enough shops/facilities. But I began with normal baths (below). Having rooms place directly before bath entrances maximizes satisfaction and income from spa-goers living there. After some deliberation, I decided I would rather have two inaccessible souvenir stands than forsake this row of rooms.
The bottom cluster of baths were the ones I used at the beginning of the game.  
The only changes I made after building the large baths was remove some facilities that gave effects to the smaller women's bath. However, having the souvenir stands placed right above gave both baths the Youth Up effect! This way, we make the most of the large stands.

Effects on smaller baths:

Women's Bath
+2 Senior
+1 Adult
+3 Women (with Milk)
+1 Youth

Men's Bath
+2 Senior
+1 Adults
+2 Men

In the top left corner, I added a men's bath since the male baths were least accessible there. 
I chose to maximize the number of effects, since I couldn't control who would visit which bath anyway, instead of target just one age group.

Improve this Build!

Have a better layout? Think you can improve this one? This is a copy of the spreadsheet I used to create this build - you may use it to plan your own layout and share with everyone!

Some sources I used to give me ideas for my personal build:

GameFAQs : Most complete guide I've come across to date. Has easy-to-ctrl-f format all on one page. Has some good layout ideas.
Videogameholic : Has layouts only. Liked this cause it has screenshots from actual game.


Pokemon: AR Cheat Codes

--------------Personal notes on Pokemon AR----------------

Will find a forum about these later (still looking). In example below.

This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x900 Master Ball. Press L + R to Activate
94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 03840001 d2000000 00000000

This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Fire Stone. Press L + R to Activate.
94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640052 d2000000 00000000

Difference is in number of an item, and item. I used this to find the hex value for 100, and then 900.

Decimal to hex for 900 = 384.Decimal to hex for 100 = 64.

In the 4th section of either, you see these number. So that's where the number of an item is determined. Only other diff in the memory thing are the next four digits. Therefore, we can assume 0001 = master ball and 0052 = fire stone.

Now just going to find what I can do to not just replace an item, but to add a list of items, and not 900 of every item.

Trainer's Bag
 These cheats are for changing the contents of your bag in the game. Press L + R to activate any of these codes.

  Items - 1st Slot (x900 Master Ball)
  This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x900 Master Ball. Press L + R to Activate.
  94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 03840001 d2000000 00000000

  Items - 1st Slot (x100 Fire Stone)
  This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Fire Stone. Press L + R to Activate.
  94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640052 d2000000 00000000

  Items - 1st Slot (x100 Leaf Stone)
  This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Leaf Stone. Press L + R to Activate.
  94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640055 d2000000 00000000

  Items - 1st Slot (x100 Moon Stone)
  This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Moon Stone. Press L + R to Activate.
  94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640051 d2000000 00000000

  Items - 1st Slot (x100 ThunderStone)
  This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Thunder Stone. Press L + R to Activate.
  94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640053 d2000000 00000000

  Items - 1st Slot (x100 Water Stone)
  This code replaces the 1st slot in the Items bag to x100 Water Stone. Press L + R to Activate.
  94000130 fcff0000 02233fcc 00640054 d2000000 00000000 
--------------Turning AR Code Off----------------

So I turned on a code so when using an item, the item number would increment, not decrement, and was stuck with it on, even if I turned it off. O woe. I finally found a post someone made about how to turn off an AR code for good.

"TO TURN OFF THE CODE, you must save your game (within the game, not with a savestate), turn it off, and turn it back on."

--------------Bulbapedia Resources----------------

Bulbapedia has some good info about how the binary in game works. For instance, how personality works, or how the Pokerus virus works.


Aardwolf Quests, Task, Goal Guide

For the MUD Aardwolf.

Why? Couldn't find a dedicated help site on this topic and Aardwolf wiki does not seem to allow editing. If someone searches enough, hopefully this will be helpful to someone in the future.

Who am I? Played MUDs long ago. Got back into it recently. Just beginning with Aardwolf.

How can I help? Further development may come if people actually use this. Please comment if you have anything to contribute! This is one of the few sources available, and it would be nice to expand it! Just leave a comment below.

What? Left out details to keep the game fun. you'll still need to figure out some parts yourself (story, actions, etc).

Quest / Task / Goal research resources:
Item / Equipment finder

1) listen [npc]
2) say key words -- names, items, 'yes'
3) nod
4) check 'task' for hints
5) find items in the room to read or examine
6) whenever you see "other" as an exit, type exits to see the custom exit command


Task: Get a feather - necromancer assistant
Location: Necromancer's Guild
Task Start: guy at front -> spirit

drop a wheat seed before a white chicken -> chicken eats seed -> drops large egg.
pick up egg -> find animal keeper -> kill all cats in room -> drop large egg.
leave room -> return to room -> kill hatchling -> get feather from floor.
the necro's assistant is the mage to the north of the pens, not the priest's assistant.


Task: kill weeds and ants at a farm
Location: the place you get the apple for the beginner's quest
Task Start: left west, in the farm, talk to lady

you kill a lot of ants and weeds on the farm and get a really really nice quest reward:

| Keywords   : farm tangleweed breastplate
| Name       : a tangleweed breastplate
| Id         : 739578560
| Type       : Armor                     Level  :     1
| Worth      : 500                       Weight :     5
| Wearable   : torso
| Score      : 80
| Material   : plant
| Flags      : unique, hum, magic, V3
| Notes      : Item has 1 resistance affect.
| Stat Mods  : Hit roll     : +1       Damage roll  : +1
|              Constitution : +3       Intelligence : +1
|              Wisdom       : +1
 A full appraisal will reveal further information on this item.


Task: Lidnesh : End the poaching in Li'Dnesh.
Location: Li'dnesh Forest
Task Start: Far west, open door, listen to ranger.

Trap the poacher on the log.

leather apron  - poacher in camp
hares foot - hare
skinning knife

Trap the poacher in a tree.
tree root - in burrow
tree branch
bear claw

Trap the poacher with a bear trap.
crayfish claw - crayfish
leather wrist - poacher northwest or up tree east.
wildflower - bees hovering mid map

Trap the poacher who hears natures call.
leather cap - in tree to east
boar tusk - boar

Trap the poacher in the burrow.
antlers - moose
vine - tree to east
honeycomb - open honeycomb

Trap all the poachers.
Remember to check for a good spot to place your trap. - type "set trap" all over the map until you find the spots for the task. When you find the location for a trap, either a message will say you don't have all the items (they must not be in bags), or you'll place the trap.


Task: Beer Gardens -  Help seal the fate of Brewington's Elect.
Location: Beer Gardens
Task Start: west of entrance

Listen to ___. say laporta

go to brewington fountain, open door west. then go east again to find laporta.
"challenge laporta"

go west to brewing vats. go up to find jod the brewmaster. say "THE STRONG STUFF" in caps (took my friend and I forever to find out via a nice respondee).

Find binky the ogre in northern woods - his name's not in the description when you first walk in. say "the strong stuff".

get yeast, hops, blood and something else in the area below where you found jod. after you kill mobs, sometimes an object appears in the room. type "gather [the object]" for a chance to find one of each of the required items.

return to binky. he'll want money and a keg. go back to area below jod to find a keg. give keg 1000 gold and he will accept the keg at the same time and give you your bottle.

[trivia: after this point, if you go to jod, as long as you do not have a bottle of "the strong stuff" in your inventory, jod will give you another bottle]

return to laporta. challenge him again. if you pass out and fail, get another bottle and try again.


Location:  Dhal'Gora Outlands
Task Start:  Ruarail (at Apothecary)

** Task Added : Return all the items requested to Ruarail.
** Task Added : Collect the body of a leech from the swamp.
** Task Added : Collect the croak of a frog from the mountains.
** Task Added : Collect a death blossom from the forest.
** Task Added : Collect the legs of a spider from the forest.


Location:  Necromancer's Guild
Task Start:  a spirit on the right side of map

for a step where you need to sabotage elixirs and powders, when you find the storage room, you need to clear the room entirely and 'get all' from the shelves. if there are people in the room, you will not be able to do so.


Misc hints:

Type "daily blessing" daily to receive nice bonuses.

"daily blessing
You bow your head to Ayla and receive your daily blessing.
You have the following daily blessing active:

Blessing                                                     Time Left
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
Next 72 mobs killed will reward double experience            18:00:00  
Ayla blesses you with 10 bonus quest points.
Ayla blesses you with 3 bonus training sessions.
Ayla blesses you with a Trivia Point Token."