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The Denpa Men: They Came by Wave

The Denpa Men: They Came by Wave ("denpa" in Japanese, "electric waves") is a 3D game you can download from the eShop on the 3DS.

The story:
Denpa men "live" in electronic waves around us. With your wireless turned on - you don't have to be connected to the Internet - you can catch Denpa men by aiming at any floating on your augmented reality screen. You'll find different Denpa around you depending on the electronic waves around you.

Denpa you catch live in a house, ready to venture into dungeons and have adventures. Ethics of catching guys and forcing them to fight for your pleasure aside, I've found this to be a nice casual game. It encourages me to go out more often to find Denpa guys everywhere and is a nice pastime for longer commutes or waiting in lines.

The catch: 
Any Denpa you catch can be shared with others. If you found a really awesome / cute Denpa you'd like to share, you can put it's QR code online, and anyone scanning the code will be able to download a copy of the Denpa. As such, there are communities floating around with people sharing everything from QR codes for all sorts of special abilities to 'hacking' QR codes (basically changing the bits around manually).

I personally want to try catching more on my own first, since I think that's a big highlight of the game.

Anyway, for those interested, here's a forum with a list of every Antenna type in the game (don't worry about this if you haven't already started to game yet!)


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