Extended Idea Room Research Time
Strategy A)
Have only one register at the top floor (or whichever floor is least convenient for your poor shoppers). This will result in less "style" points for each shopper because most will have to wait longer to be checked out, but it will greatly increase the amount of time your employees work overtime.
(This is so conceptually evil TT.)
Unlike Cafeteria Nipponica, where customers automatically leave at the close of business, time in Pocket Clothier will freeze at 22:00 until the last customer leaves.
Strategy B)
Have two registers in your store. At 22:00, when there are still customers in your store about to check out, delete one of the registers after one of the customers holding a green basket enters the elevator.
When the customer(s) exits the elevator, they will keep walking in place in front of the elevator for a long long time. This allows your employees to keep researching well past when the last customer should have left.
Strategy B is best used when there are almost no customers left to check out, since I don't think those customers ever get checked out.
(Don't do this if you work retail in real life please! D: )
Drastically Increase Revenue

After unlocking the Large Register, place the register and two employees with speed over 900 (not 9000) on a sparsely furnished floor to ensure the two employees will be the only two to constantly work the register (as to spending more of their time restocking etc).
After some time, you will get a notice saying customers really like the employees working behind the large cash register and are paying much more! You should then see customers paying, surprise, many times (not sure how to verify an exact increase) for their purchases.
Keep Employee Salaries Low
Early on, when an employee asks for a raise, you can turn that offer down at the cost of a loyalty point. You can earn that loyalty back using A) a loyalty manual you get from the Idea Room or B) agreeing to a raise later when the employee asks for a raise.
This means if you're at 10/10 hearts, you can reject a raise, lose a heart, and earn it back later. If you agree to the raise, you won't gain over 10 hearts anyway.
(This is such a terrible guide for real life managers-to-be. :sniffle: )
In my opinion, the purchase of an elevator, if you don't care for using strategy B above, actually slows customers down, rather than make it faster. I've seen crowds stand in front of elevators for game-hours while the elevator ferries people to and from other floors.
More to come as I discover...
Other Tips
I'm not going to reinvent the wheel -- namely, I'm not going to write a guide for this when others have already done so, so I am going to redirect this section to Happy Enna's blog.
Sneak preview of
Happy Enna's pocket clothier posts!
"Those are all the useful links related to Pocket Clothier on Happy Enna's blog.
Compatibility Guide - A spreadsheet and an image to help you match the clothes
Fixtures - Some fixtures unlock special items, some give good boost.
Shelves and Racks - The requirement and best position for shelves and racks.
Job List - You get some bonus if a matching outfit is recommended to your customer for their job interview.
Carry Over - Always good to know what gets carried over to your next playthrough so you can plan ahead.
Trophy List - Have you got all of them?
12 Month Sales Record - It's easy to make a profit but it requires a bit of planning to increase your profit every month for a year.
How to Earn Heaps - If you have trouble keeping up with the tax, then you want to read this. It's not about avoiding tax. It tells you the tricks to make lots of money easily. :)
Enna's Thoughts - Auto Stock is Not Perfect - I just had to complain a bit when I had trouble dealing with tax. But, it's true, it doesn't make sense. :p" - Enna