So I had an instinctive repulsion to a game with such nasty graphics and boring gameplay. Months later, however, the monotony and ease of achievements lured me in to a point where I found pleasure in arranging the relatively ugly pixelated items around my farm. I disliked how Zynga encouraged friending a bunch of strangers, however, so I used my game account to accomplish goals that required such contact, and kept my main one clean.
As of these past few days, however, expanding the farm further requires 41 (?) friends. I have 18. Screw that. :<
A quick tour of my end product. There's the gigantic plot of farmland, of course. Since the aim of the game is farming, I figured... most of the land should be dedicated to that. There's the little flower garden walled in on the left. I was going for a Secret Garden sort of thing. Kind of. Below that are the herds of exotic sheep with the rudimentary housing and hammock. Above the garden is the trophy garden. I removed the golden gnomes sometime, and replaced it with some Japanese-themed garden material. Beyond that is a sort of European outdoor cafe area in front of a library. I chose to place the library of all the structures (botanical garden, grocery store, post office... etc) because that was one thing I would like -- my personal library.
I'm sure you could locate the following animal areas. There's the chicken area with ducks in their pond, two cow barns (nondescript), pig ... conference ... with the black pig presiding, penguin sledding area, two elephants on a date in a pine forest (don't ask), turtle orgy (they were all supposed to face towards the field in pyramid-formation, but then the jackfruit tree happened and I squished them all to the same side and .. yea), nursery/daycare, and easter hills with bunnies.
Additionally, there's a forest of hidden holiday objects, woodworking area with a decorative Mardi Gras tree, greenhouse/storage barn/hot air balloon, stables with a beehive in the making before it, hanging tomatoes for the bees to pollinate, swan/geese pond, ducks mesmerized by a windmill, sizable farmers market, and of course, the manor. I have a villa, cottage, snow resort and some other places but I felt the manor looked like the nicest place to live.
Bordering the map are a variety of trees -- mostly the ones I deemed less-ugly, or even nice-looking (lychee, mango, magnolia, cashew, starfruit...). If there's one thing Farmville has taught me, it's the names/appearance of some interesting trees.
Annnd. I guess that's all I have to say for Farmville, despite the apparent time I've spent on it. :<
Ratings for ever-changing are silly.
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