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Minecraft Apotheosis Enchanting Guide / Help

Apotheosis guide specifically for: FTB (Feed the Beast) Direwolf20 v1.21

Around updates 1.7.0-1.8.0 (and counting).

[edit: posting this while guide is incomplete because there is a good chance I will put this off and never post it if I don't, and I think the information provided is still useful as is.]

Having come back to Minecraft after ever only playing semi-casually, I found myself determined to tackle a lot of the mods that had previously been intimidating. I found Google to be relatively unhelpful in turning up information on a number of mods, such as Apotheosis, Mekanism, or how to set up an energy system. Most results listed were videos, which Google or SEOs seem to be prioritizing (to this video-averse person's dismay). Social media posts and even some wikis generally assumed I knew a bunch of things that I did not already know. Even though I eventually skimmed a few videos, I compiled everything I learned onto my Minecraft spreadsheet, which I use to track all the mods I've been learning about. I decided to share what I found, since if it's not on the internet already, I might as well be the one to put it out there on the off chance this helps someone.

Anyway, Apotheosis.