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Minecraft Apotheosis Enchanting Guide / Help

Apotheosis guide specifically for: FTB (Feed the Beast) Direwolf20 v1.21

Around updates 1.7.0-1.8.0 (and counting).

[edit: posting this while guide is incomplete because there is a good chance I will put this off and never post it if I don't, and I think the information provided is still useful as is.]

Having come back to Minecraft after ever only playing semi-casually, I found myself determined to tackle a lot of the mods that had previously been intimidating. I found Google to be relatively unhelpful in turning up information on a number of mods, such as Apotheosis, Mekanism, or how to set up an energy system. Most results listed were videos, which Google or SEOs seem to be prioritizing (to this video-averse person's dismay). Social media posts and even some wikis generally assumed I knew a bunch of things that I did not already know. Even though I eventually skimmed a few videos, I compiled everything I learned onto my Minecraft spreadsheet, which I use to track all the mods I've been learning about. I decided to share what I found, since if it's not on the internet already, I might as well be the one to put it out there on the off chance this helps someone.

Anyway, Apotheosis.

Enchanting Table Basics

Why use Apotheosis? Better enchants than Vanilla (allegedly. I've forgotten what Vanilla enchanting was like), more enchants, more control over enchants. Is this the only way? No. Is it a fun option? Yes.

Three new stats for enchanting. It's not that scary, though. Yet. You can upgrade and enchant (aka infuse) bookshelves and ingredients now.

To enchant/infuse items, your enchanting setup will need to meet the required stats, and you will need to be at a sufficient player level to proceed. 

Example: To get an Infused Seashelf from a normal Seashelf requires 45 eterna, 15 quanta , 10 arcana. Additionally, you need to be level 45 (you gain level from activities like mining ore, fishing, killing mobs, among other things), and it will cost you 3 levels to infuse this object. This means if you are level 45 and you infuse one shelf, you drop to 42 and have to level up again before you can infuse another shelf. I have found that the level requirements seem to have increased slightly each time I infused a shelf when I tried in Creative mode. Will need to confirm this and figure out why if that is the case.

A maxed-out set up would have 100 in each category. Optionally, the bonus buffs from several specific bookshelves (more below).

Eterna    Determines the Max level you can enchant at. With Apotheosis, you can enchant items at levels up to 100.

What it looks like if you are below level 100 but are able to enchant at level 100 at a maxed-out Apotheosis Enchantment Table setup.

What it looks like being level 100+ at the same maxed-out setup.

At level 100+ at a basic Enchanting Table with no bookshelves of any sort.
Capped at enchanting at level 3 for low-level spells.

Quanta    How random enchants are*. To be perfectly honest, I do not know what more or less random means and have not found a satisfactory answer online yet... Please let me know if you have one!

Arcana    Makes rare enchants more common and increases the number of enchants applied in one use of the table. As seen in the screenshots above, 1 enchant vs 5 enchants on a book. Below, 6 enchants.

Enchanting Clues    I admit I do not know what this is yet, but it seems to be a desirable thing.

*Rectification is supposed to reduce negative possibilities of randomness, but the bookshelf called "Shelf of End-Fused Rectification" and the Rectification stat entirely seem to be omitted entirely from this modpack. I could be wrong, but I could find nothing. I saw it mentioned once in passing, but no implementation in sight.

New Shelves

There are five categories of new shelves now, in addition to the original Bookshelf, which boosts your enchantment table when placed within one block away at level. See for more detail. The enchanting table also seems to acknowledge the one level directly above the base level as well, if you place a candle or bookshelf on top of the first bookshelf.

My max-stat setup in Creative mode in which bookshelves are 2-blocks high.

To get to a maxed-out setup, apparently you cannot just skip a bunch of middle-tier bookshelves by directly getting the best materials, because to enchant progressively better bookshelves now requires your current setup to be sufficient enough to craft the next tier materials.

I found Fiddlestic's picture guide to be useful when going in blind. It is worth noting that not everything in this guide is present in the Direwolf20 1.21 modpack (for example, Reforging, Salvaging, Unique Gems are not present). So please search the JEI (Just Enough Viewing mod user interface) recipe catalog, which you can access with hotkey "E" to be sure if you read the guide (if you do not see it, press the green book under your player crafting squares). Left clicking tells you how to make an item, and right clicking tells you what it can be crafted into (yes, I had to relearn everything coming back to Minecraft, so I am sharing these basics).

Tiny thumbnail of the guide ^ . Read the guide here:

In order of ease of crafting, the categories are:
  1. Hell Shelves - Boosts Eterna and Quanta.
  2. Sea Shelves - Boosts Eterna and Arcana.
  3. Deep Shelves - Boosts all three stats.
  4. End Shelves - Only way to max out Eterna to the cap of 100.
  5. Weird Shelves - Variable stats and effects.
  6. Misc items - Singular props that slightly affect stats. Helpful to boost specific stats when you cannot afford to build another shelf yet since they are easier to make/find.
Each category from 1-4 has different level of shelves that you can gradually upgrade into


Sea Shelf (3 eterna, 3 quanta) --> Infused Shelf (5 eterna, 5 quanta). 

Infused Shelf --> Crystalline Shelf (5 eterna, 3 quanta, 5 arcana) 
Infused Shelf --> Heart-Forged Shelf (15 eterna, 20 quanta)
Infused Shelf --> Seashelf of Aquatic Filtration (put one enchanting book with certain spells you do not want to show up in the random roll pool when you enchant).

Examples of Weird shelves: Beeshelf, Melonshelf, Stoneshelf, Geode-Encased Shelf of Stability.

Examples of Misc Items: Candle (1.25 arcana), Large Candle (4 arcana), Wither Skeleton Skull (10 quanta), and the heads of Zombie, Piglin and Creeper (5 quanta).

Leveling Up Your Setup

As in Vanilla, leveling up your setup allows you to access higher-level enchants, but also more enchants per cast. I am not sure if negative enchant chances are decreased in the absence of the Rectification stat for this modpack. Feel free to share if you know.

Example of a max setup for the Direwolf20 modpack. 

Enchanting Table Default10015%15%11
Seashelf of Aquatic Filtration*2Allows you to exclude certain enchantments (and curses) from appearing in your table.
Echoing Sculkshelf410max 804010%40%15%60%14
Soul-touched Sculkshelf410max 804015%60%10%40%14
Deepshelf of Arcane Treasures*110max 7010-15%-15%-15%-15%Enables Treasure Enchantments to appear in your table (Enchantments normally only found as loot)
Echoing Deepshelf*15max 7550%15%15%Negates Arcane Treasure's bad stats.
Geode-encased Bookshelf of Stability*110max 60-15%Enables Quantic Stability.
Soul-touched Deepshelf*15max 7515%Negates Bookshelf of Stability's bad stats.
Draconic Endshelf120max 100200%0%Need this to get to 100 Eterna
TOTAL13max 100115100%100%39

*Optional buffs. If you don't want them, omit the respective asterisk shelves.

To get here, you will need to craft a number of the lower-quality shelves to have sufficient stats to craft the better ones. "Kaimonick" has a guide to show how to do this on another modpack I think. It's useful to understand the concept of how it works—it does not seem to work for the modpack I am using now, possibly due to some rebalancing? The numbers do not add up when building from the Sea Shelf to Deepshelf as there is not enough Quanta to craft the next set of shelves after I did the math. But maybe I can just add a few of the Quanta-boosting Wither Skeleton Skulls to bridge the gap? Either way, figuring it out myself is fun too.

Enchantment Library

You can also build these things to save and strip for more control over exactly which enchantments you want to isolate and use. What are these things? 

Per the (a?) developer of Apotheosis:

"The enchantment library is a storage solution for vast amounts of enchanted books.

Inserting a book into the top slot will store every enchantment on that book in the library. Enchantments themselves are stored as "Points" (each point is equal to a single level 1 enchantment, so each level is worth an exponentially increasing amount of points).

When you insert an enchantment into the library, it also records the max level of that enchantment it has ever seen, and you can only extract up to that level.

To remove an enchantment from the library, simply click on that enchantment's tile. If the output is empty, it will generate a new enchanted book with that enchantment on it (starting at level 1). Subsequent clicks will increase the level on the output book. Shift-Clicking will attempt to extract the max level available to the output book.

The library can only interface with books, so you'll still need other solutions to move enchantments between books and other items."

Apotheosis Developer "Shadows_of_Fire", 2021.

To upgrade the Enchanting Library to Library of Alexandria which "increases the Level Capacity of the library from XVI to XXXI" (16 to 31), you need: 

Eterna at exactly 100
Quanta between 45 and 50
Arcana at exactly 100

With my setup above, I did this:

+2 Melonshelves
+1 Geode-encased Bookshelf of Stability
-1 Soul-touched Deepshelf (using Silk Touch axe!)

If you did NOT include the Geode-encased Bookshelf of Stability / Soul-touched Deepshelf buff combo, do this instead:

+2 Melonshelves
+2 Geode-encased Bookshelf of Stability

I do not know what "increasing the level capacity from 16 to 31" means yet, I have only figured out how to upgrade and that the resulting UI looks same:

I inserted some books containing these enchants and am now able to pull them out one enchant at a time for a point cost. You get more points by putting enchants in. If you insert a Fortune VIII enchant, you can pull Fortune I-VIII. I just played around in Creative to get a basic idea and have not experimented further yet.

Spell Colors

I am not sure about the significance of spell colors as they appear in text, so this section is not as fleshed out. From going through the lists of spells, I have come to the conclusion that:

Gray: Common spells. They're the basic enchantments.

Light blue: Common spells turn light blue when they get to higher levels. Ex: Loyalty 3 is gray, 4 is blue. Shield Bash 4 is gray, 5 is blue.

Light red: Curse or negative enchant. I don't know what the "Intentional Game Design" curse does, though it seems to reference some immortalized incident regarding beds exploding when trying to sleep in some advanced areas of the game.

Dark red: The two I found were Life Mending and Berserker's Fury, so my guess is a spell that enhances and hurts at the same time.

Green: Special spells - I only found a small handful of these briskly scrolling through the entire list. Crescendo of Bolts 1-5, Knowledge of Ages, Boon of the Earth. I'm not sure why there are so few of the green spells.

Purple-blue: Apothic Enchanting and Destruction were the only two I found for this category from a thorough and I have no idea.

Magenta: Miner's Fervor and Worker Exploitation were the only two for this category as well, and I also have no idea.


"Kaimonick" et al., first posted around 2023, updated around Sept 2024.
By "Fiddlesticc", approx May 2024.

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