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World of Warcraft

Type: MMO-RPG Subscription
Characters follow Blizzard's Warcraft lore as they level and engage in a variety of activities. Features an end-game, where some claim "the game really begins" that consists of an enhanced and formally documented continuation of the same activities.
-instancing (dungeons)
-pet/mount collection


-holidays events

The Introduction

When I met my buddy, he had a 20-some human warlock on Firetree. He didn't play it much, but my strongest memories of my introduction to the game was seeing him buying gear on the auction house, and bidding on some green or blue staff. I didn't understand much then. When he leveled, he had an add-on called FinalFantasylization so that when he ran around or engaged mobs, Final Fantasy music would play accordingly. He didn't play that much, but paid for his and his brother's account. So one day after school, I asked to try. Sometime between that introduction and the day I asked, he had created and leveled an undead priest on Akama. I looked through the character choices I had: undead, troll, orc, tauren. This as pre-Burning Crusade, so I did not have the luxury of a blood elf. They were all rather unappealing compared to the art I was used to, as are most of the graphics in the game.

First Steps

My first character was a human paladin. I died several times between one and six, which was as far as I got. I wanted to help my buddy in any way possible, though. So I chose the least offensive-looking Horde character, the tauren. My buddy suggested I might like the animals, and speed boost I'd get with a hunter.


Realm: Akama
Name: Muomuo
Race: Tauren
Class: Shaman
Sex: Female
Professions: Alchemy/Herbalism
Highest level: 27

As you may have deduced, the relationship with this character was not meant to last. I switched to my buddy's brother's account, since he'd stopped playing. At this time, buddy transferred his priest to Mug'thol, where I rerolled. Enter, Muomuo Reloaded.

Realm: Mug'thol -> Whisperwind (2010)
Name: Muomuo -> Sevstorm
Race: Tauren -> Draenei
Class: Shaman
Sex: Female
Professions: Mining/Skinning
Highest level: 72

The Journey

Name: Nyxz

Realm: Mug'thol
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Hunter
Sex: Female
Professions: Herbalism/Alchemy
Highest level: 80

Leveling in Barrens with Turtle

Guised as Snowthing in Shimmery Flats

Kiting Omen Through Barrens

Downing Omen in Orgrimmar

People actually did this quite often those days (before it was possible to lose aggro to it), and would bring him into the auction house where the area of effect (aoe) damage would kill unsuspecting bidders/buyers... The screenies were the only time we accompanied someone kiting all the way from Moonglade though.

Anyway, there's alot more, and storing them in the 'cloud' might be more ideal for this sort of thing, so I may just upload them to Flickr and link it here. Just a few more screenies that mean a bit more.


Between the day I created that character and today...

At one point in time, I "refer-a-friend"-ed with my buddy, which contributed to at least three characters that got to 60 (2 leveled, 1.5 granted). Going to share some screenies I dug out from after I found out about screenshots.

Socializing?! In WoW?!?!

First Summer Festival with the Maypole

Xmas in Orgrimmar

Mammoth Train in Dalaran

Protodrake Tower in Dalaran


Burning Crusade - Serpentshrine Cavern Guild Raid

Burning Crusade - Serpantshrine Cavern Guild Raid

Burning Crusade - Karazhan Guild Raid

Burning Crusade - Karazhan Chess Boss

WotLK - "Spectral Tiger" Mount, before Council (Icecrown Citadel)

WotLK - Downing Dreamwalker Guild Run (Iriz, paladin tank & offhealer)

WotLK - Before Sindragosa Guild Run

Personal Affects

BC Bank Collection

Birthday Gift Windrider Pet : )


Since this is a game in progress, and I don't mean to make this game specifically an entire walkthrough of what I've done, this is where I'll cut it for now. I update this Google Docs file every so often though. The file contains the information on the characters I play every so often, including their professions, main titles and any mount that lets them more unique.

Buddy got Dislodged Foreign Object today on that same shadowpriest. It's the biggest thing at the time of this writing. :P It was exciting for a bit.

EDIT: Many months later: Several 85s, raided heavily at level 80 as paladin tank and off-heal, became a raid leader for the guild, quit during Lich King due to classes. Final status of all characters.

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