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Animal Crossing: New Leaf - The Stalk Market Strategy Guide

On Sunday mornings, Joan, a brown boar, visits your town from 6am to 12pm to sell white turnips. Turnips serve primarily as a way to invest your money in the game's Stalk Market.

Easy money, right? There's a catch though! You have until close of business Saturday night of the same week to sell all your turnips at Re-Tail or all of your turnips rot at exactly 6am the next Sunday morning, reducing your valuable turnips into mere profit-less ant-traps.

Buying Turnips

To buy turnips, look for Joan walking around your town Sunday between 6am to 12pm. She will be selling her turnips for between for anywhere from 90 to 110 bells each, in units of 100 turnips. 

So if you buy a single unit from Joan at 90 bells per turnip, you will be buying 100 turnips total costing 9000 bells. 

Ten units stack to fill a single slot in your inventory, which is comprised of 16 slots. In New Leaf, turnips cannot be placed in envelopes. 

To fill a completely empty inventory with turnips selling at 90 bells each, you would need 160 units of turnips, or 1600 turnips, costing 144,000 bells.

Storing Turnips

If you've been doing the math, a single full inventory of turnips, even at the maximum price of 110 bells each, would cost between 144k and 176k bells. 

If you're new (like me), here's a bird's eye of costs in game:  a second floor upgrade is 298k, and the most expensive upgrade to expand other rooms to 8x8 is 598k each. If you invest your money wisely, get lucky, and/or figure out some money-spots, you can accidentally/easily make a million by day 10.

So what?

1 million bells / 176k bells = ~5.68 full inventories of turnips.
~5.68 x 16 slots = 91 full item slots.

"Sure, I can manage to make that space," you say. "I have a gigantic locker, din'cha see? I'll stick em next to my clothing, my hats... oh here're several spaces next to my partial sets of furniture."

See where this is going? I have several million bells now... that's... a lot of turnips. Let's talk storage.

Storing Turnips, the TL;DR

ACNL UPDATE: Locker and storage space has been greatly increased in a more recent ACNL update. Feel free to disregard this section if the extra storage space has been made available to you in game already.

In your locker.

  • Portable and ready to sell; don't need to gather up all the turnips before traveling. 
  • Less chance of overlooking turnips, come time to sell.
  • May have to boot out furniture/clothing/ore etc to make space.

On the ground.

You can drop stacks of turnips on the ground anywhere, like fruit, and they won't rot until Sunday 6am. 

  • The edges of the map is the limit. Ground is free, ground is everywhere.
  • Easy access, any time.
  • Your villagers will see them as eyesores and complain about litter.
  • If you have internet strangers visiting for trades, etc, you risk losing investment if you are unfortunate enough to encounter wandering people with sticky fingers.
  • If you leave them in the Plaza, and a traveling visitor sets up camp on top of your turnips, you might as well have eaten your turnips.
  • If you leave them in a clearing, and someone moves in on top of your turnips, you might as well have eaten your turnips.
In your house.
  • Safe.
  • Easily accessible.
  • Extremely limited space.
  • Personal eyesore.
Second character.
Use your other character slot's house and inventory to store items/turnips.

  • "Natural" storage integration.
  • Out of sight, safe-ish storage.
  • Reasons vary from person to person (siblings, time consuming to switch, etc)
Second New Leaf game:
  • Have all the perks of a second game (separate turnip prices, premiums, fruit, trade etc).
  • Additional monetary investment: another game, access to another 3DS.
  • Additional time to move/access items at a whim.

Selling Turnips


1) the "constantly-decreasing" pattern,
2) the "large-spike" pattern,
3) the "small-spike" pattern, and
4) the "random-price" pattern.
The constantly-decreasing turnip price pattern starts Monday morning with a
price less than 100. Each successive price is a few bells less.
Here are some examples:
M T W Th F Sa
99 95 91 86 82 78 73 70 65 60 55 51
93 87 82 79 74 71 67 63 58 55 50 46
92 88 85 80 76 72 68 64 59 55 52 47
83 78 74 70 66 61 57 54 50 45 42 38
81 77 74 70 66 63 59 55 51 48 45 42
The large-spike turnip price pattern is a constantly-decreasing pattern that is
interrupted with five prices: a two-price run-up to a spike followed by a two-
price run-down. Usually, a constantly-decreasing pattern resumes after the
interruption. Here are some examples:
M T W Th F Sa
96 93 124 215 577 163 150 51 45 85 97 90
94 89 86 82 77 72 67 144 180 626 160 137
84 81 77 131 139 478 159 90 65 79 85 71
81 76 73 92 180 295 132 111 79 44 40 42
80 76 73 70 65 62 89 134 465 154 122 52
77 74 71 108 157 216 159 106 48 59 80 ??
The small-spike turnip price pattern also involves an interrupted constantly-
decreasing pattern. The maximum price is the fourth price after the
interruption (as opposed to the third price with the large-spike pattern).
Here are some examples:
M T W Th F Sa
126 142 150 152 149 68 64 61 56 52 48 43
93 90 86 82 101 133 188 211 205 89 85 81
79 75 72 106 122 153 160 154 66 62 58 52
65 62 57 89 103 128 132 129 46 42 38 34
53 50 46 43 40 36 32 113 89 145 180 168
38 34 30 128 119 163 168 152 77 73 69 66
Notice above that the "interruption" can start at the beginning of the week.
The random-price "pattern" really has no pattern; the prices jump up and down.
Here are some examples:
M T W Th F Sa
139 77 66 101 99 123 131 69 64 55 127 148
136 100 128 115 117 63 54 44 98 67 62 101
90 118 95 69 63 93 119 103 61 55 48 95
85 124 100 90 95 125 70 64 98 60 51 42
71 66 89 65 62 57 92 90 94 113 93 113

Riding the Market

I've found that a good place to find places to buy and sell turnips is on, where you can interact with other people playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf. While most people are civil and fair, there will/may be scammers/thieves. Participate at your own risk!

Note: it is general courtesy to leave a gift or tip for their time and efforts.

Determining Your Trend

The only way to tell what trend you have this week is to check in on prices every now and then. Turnips are sold at Re-TailPrices change twice a day: once at opening (9am; 6am with the Early Bird ordinance), and then again at noon.

Every time the price changes when you check, add the new price to the text line, separated by a comma. Obviously, the more data points you have, the more accurate and meaningful your results will be!

Kurt Boyer created a prediction tool to help you determine which trend you have.


Sims 3 Cheat Sheet and Sims Exchange

Basic and "Official" Sims 3 Cheat
  • Press [control] [shift] [c]. Type " testingcheatsenabled true ".
Nothing will visibly happen. To activate cheat commands, shift click anything and play around carefully! Most useful commands such as refilling all need bars, making needs static (meaning they don't change), will be accessible by shift clicking your active household's mailbox.

Some things you can do in this mode:
  • top off all need bars for everyone in the active household
  • freeze all need bars for every in the active household
  • hard change a sim's career and career level (if they do not have the qualifications, they will perform poorly at work)
  • make a sim know everyone in the sim world
  • teleport your sims almost anywhere
  • buy/build on a community lot
  • delete objects
No more spoilers. More fun to explore.  :) I personally use this to focus my time on getting through the content more quickly. You can only direct your sims to eat, sleep, bio and walk around so much before you get bored. At least for me.

Buy Special Items

  • Press [control] [shift] [c]. Type " buydebug "
Opens a new tab with bug, fish, meteor and such spawners. Depends on which expansions you have, but may also include lifetime happiness objects such as weather changers, hoverbed, various magic gnome, various items usually not for purchase. I use this when I don't feel like walking all over the place to catch bugs etc. It's also nice to have if you'd like fish in a pond on your lot, though you technically can fill a pond without cheating as well.

Sharing My Main Household

I'd worked on my main household for countless hours. Fourleaf was played and uploaded with:

  • World Adventures,
  • Ambitions,
  • Late Night,
  • Generations and
  • Pets. 
Stuff packs include:

  • High-End Loft,
  • Fast Lane,
  • Outdoor Living.
 If you don't have some of the stuff packs, items will just be replaced by something you have (a fancy-schmancy bathtub would be replaced with one you have).

This household consists of:

3 female (young?) adults: Emma, Tenya, Maid
1 female toddler: forgot-her-name
1 horse: Seacookie
1 kitten: Satie
1 puppy: Preston

You can view and download via the official Sims3 exchange site.

I wanted to focus on exploring content while building character depth, so I kept romantic relationships out of the picture to keep the three "tight." The main characters possess large and diverse skill sets - most of which are maxed out - include nectarmaking, writing, martial arts, photography, sculpting, guitar, gardening, fishing, painting, and some other skill sets.


Emma is more of a humanities type because I had my fill of the exact opposite with a super-scientist-tinkerer-and-stuff couple years ago (a male and female robot eventually joined their family). She first hit level 10 writer profession, but upon uploading, that history is lost, so she's a sculptor right now. She's closest to Satie the kitten.

Tenya focused on a life of balance and martial arts. At some point, she had too much time to think, and now she's a level 10 mastermind in the criminal career track, earning the golden fox item that grants her +mood for admiring it. She's the disciplined, athletic and composed type and enjoys being outdoors. She's closest to Seacookie the horse, and in a now-lost save file, she was level 10 riding.

Maid is ... well you know. Actually, since she's done her duties so well and hit level 10 in the gardening profession, she was able to become a level 10 head chef person dude, earning the family a fancy fridge in which food never spoils. Additionally, being in the same room as the fridge gives you a +moodlet for a few hours, and since the kitchen and living area in the room is connected, you can bet that happens a lot.

The House

This lot features an extensive garden-garden. I don't mean flowers and stuff, I mean like fruits and veggies. Most of the crops are perfect-quality, though it seems the crops version I uploaded have just excellent and outstanding qualities as well, making this household perfect for those who want to start off somewhere higher and have room to grow. Crops include cheese plants, death plant, life fruit, flame fruit, the ones from world adventures as well as the usual lot.

To recap features:

  • one complete artifacts set from World Adventure
  • several incomplete sets
  • completed tomb obstacles, this and all the above obtained via exploring legit tomb raiding
  • character with complete recipes up to Pets
  • perfect-quality garden, with some missing as a result of extended game play / didn't feel like planting constantly
  • inventory with plenty of high quality crops, fish, gems, travel items
  • huge wine cellar area that instantly fulfills a bottomless cellar lifetime wish (tested myself)
  • photos throughout the house with photos and paintings taken by the sims who live there.



O! Edo Town Spreadsheet

I've started up O! Edo Town again, which I play during down time (really!). I tried moderately to look up combo lists and spreadsheets, but just sort of love to put together my own sometimes, so I've started up an Edo Town spreadsheet.

If you like working on spreadsheets or adding your findings, feel free to edit the spreadsheet! :) Here's the link. Spreadsheet work suspended. Link still available for data salvaging.


Notes: Looks as if crafts combos are not necessarily based on solid numbers. Several trials revealed that craft gains are based on the overall yield of the shop. For instance, if a dumpling shop is over 245 yield, it cannot gain any more yield points via crafts.

However, using crafts on people seem to have a solid pattern. For instance, artisans  always respond positively to arita bowls.


Edit Feb 25, 2013: Turns out I'm not a big fan of Kairosoft's random points system. It makes more sense to me when golden chopsticks and fancy bowls would boost a restaurant's stats, and less when they're given to so and so that's unrelated. Maybe something was lost in translation, maybe I'm missing a reference. I beat the first scenario and dedicated the rest of my time in game trying to get everyone to buy a white horse (I got maybe 12-20 people riding these faster mounts) and figuring out how to turn more than one house into a small castle.

After Edo Town, I downloaded the trial version of the Kairosoft cruise game and Kairobotica. I didn't like either of them very much, but to be fair, I didn't give the cruise one much time. I read some reviews, and didn't like the idea of having no choice over what goes where beyond rooms and such.

As I draw near the end of my Kairosoft adventures for now, I would say my favorites would still be, in loose order:
  1. Hot Spring Story
  2. Game Dev Story
  3. Grand Prix Story
  4. Mega Mall Story
  5. Pocket Academy
  6. Pocket League Story
  7. Sushi Spinnery
  8. Venture Towns
  9. O! Edo Town
  10. Beastie Bay
  11. Cafeteria Nipponica
  12. Pocket Clothier

I haven't played most of the new ones, and I haven't dedicated enough time to pass judgment on Kairobotica or World Cruise Story.

I've spent my game budget on:

Ni No Kuni

The Sims 3

and some gourmet chocolate -- first time trying these.