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O! Edo Town Spreadsheet

I've started up O! Edo Town again, which I play during down time (really!). I tried moderately to look up combo lists and spreadsheets, but just sort of love to put together my own sometimes, so I've started up an Edo Town spreadsheet.

If you like working on spreadsheets or adding your findings, feel free to edit the spreadsheet! :) Here's the link. Spreadsheet work suspended. Link still available for data salvaging.


Notes: Looks as if crafts combos are not necessarily based on solid numbers. Several trials revealed that craft gains are based on the overall yield of the shop. For instance, if a dumpling shop is over 245 yield, it cannot gain any more yield points via crafts.

However, using crafts on people seem to have a solid pattern. For instance, artisans  always respond positively to arita bowls.


Edit Feb 25, 2013: Turns out I'm not a big fan of Kairosoft's random points system. It makes more sense to me when golden chopsticks and fancy bowls would boost a restaurant's stats, and less when they're given to so and so that's unrelated. Maybe something was lost in translation, maybe I'm missing a reference. I beat the first scenario and dedicated the rest of my time in game trying to get everyone to buy a white horse (I got maybe 12-20 people riding these faster mounts) and figuring out how to turn more than one house into a small castle.

After Edo Town, I downloaded the trial version of the Kairosoft cruise game and Kairobotica. I didn't like either of them very much, but to be fair, I didn't give the cruise one much time. I read some reviews, and didn't like the idea of having no choice over what goes where beyond rooms and such.

As I draw near the end of my Kairosoft adventures for now, I would say my favorites would still be, in loose order:
  1. Hot Spring Story
  2. Game Dev Story
  3. Grand Prix Story
  4. Mega Mall Story
  5. Pocket Academy
  6. Pocket League Story
  7. Sushi Spinnery
  8. Venture Towns
  9. O! Edo Town
  10. Beastie Bay
  11. Cafeteria Nipponica
  12. Pocket Clothier

I haven't played most of the new ones, and I haven't dedicated enough time to pass judgment on Kairobotica or World Cruise Story.

I've spent my game budget on:

Ni No Kuni

The Sims 3

and some gourmet chocolate -- first time trying these.