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Creation and Sales of 3D Game Boards

On the topic of legality of creating 3d printed Settlers of Catan pieces.

A perhaps more important thing to consider is to ask — as you would with music, movies, anything — 
if you like something, would you support its creator(s) for what they have created? Especially if it’s not necessary for day-to-day life.

Those who would go so far as to acquire or create 3d pieces will most likely have played the game first (presumably on a non-3d set). While not necessarily true, creating a 3d set additionally generates publicity and attention for this board game.

If we’re looking at copyright from a monetary point of view (from company ‘losses’ from additional ‘copies’ of games being sold outside their jurisdiction), 3d printing is the equivalent of open source game code. Players are improving a game experience and facilitating its popularity – it would be suicide to stifle your consumers’ passion for your product.

Alternative solution: if the demand is great enough that it would be a problem, the company officially produces competitive quality 3d pieces and gets a slice of the pie.

G-Squier's laser cut Settlers of Catan set.


Harvest Moon: A New Beginning

Having been tracked from Cali to east coast, My Harvest Moon: A New Beginning 15th Anniversary edition game finally arrived yesterday!  Natsume announced a soft release, so they began shipping games out Oct 19th, instead of sometime Nov.

I like some of the changes they did make. Namely, picking up items automatically bags them, and (though I'm not able to yet), being able to change the placement of everything on your farm and customize your person's appearance, clothing aside. The giant crops are fun to grow, and you can get animals early again in the game.

Perhaps I'm spoiled by World of Warcraft level customer service and developer response (admit it - it's pretty top of the line stellar compared to any other developer-customer relationship out there of that scale).

In short, the tutorial / intros are sooo slow! I'd much rather explore on my own than spend 30 minutes being lead around (that wouldn't be so bad if the scenes shifted more quickly / people walked faster!). I also sort of don't like how streamlined the paths are. In Tree of Tranquility, you could walk on the grass on the other side of the fence and grab mushies and stuff, but here, you're only allowed on the path you're given, even if you're so sure your guy can definitely fit between that tree and rock. ~_~ Just a little frustrating. The 3D also seems to drain power rather quickly, so I play my 3DS docked.

Anyway, my greatest satisfaction comes from the plushie cow.

Enjoying new toys.

Although I realize I'm too impatient to play HM straight up, I love it anyway, and make do with what tools I have.

Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Cities - Action Replay Item Code

Haven't used these for my game yet, but item hex codes for Harvest Moon Tale of Two Cities.

Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar - Action Replay Item Code

Was searching for the items list forever. Item hex for HM Grand Bazaar. This is for the mod code below. THIS WILL REPLACE THE ITEM IN THE FIRST SLOT, so make sure it's not valuable.

Inventory Slot 1 Mod Code

94000130 FFFB0000
1215B180 00000XXX <-- Item Value
2215B18A 000000XX <-- Amount (For the max of 99 items, hex code is 63.)
D2000000 00000000

Here's one I modified myself - this gives you 66 of the first item in your bag. Edit the hex '42' to adjust the number of items (if you just want fewer items).

94000130 FFFB0000
2215B18A 00000042
D2000000 00000000

For both, press Select to activate the effect.

Action Replay Item Numbers:


Adventure Bar Story Recipes List

Adventure Bar Story Recipes List

Just started playing this game. Seems okay. Still prefer Kairosoft games and certain other mmorpgs that I may have gotten back into... TT But taking a peek after my curiosity was piqued via Happy Enna's blog.

Credit to Fade to Slack for compiling this list. I simply put it into a searchable spreadsheet for my, and other players', own use.